A Star is Born Review

A Star is Born and a Liam cries.

Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga in A Star Is Born (2018)
Okay so confession time before I start my review. There have been 3 versions of A Star is Born. From Garland to Gaga with Streisand in the middle this is a story which the world holds dearly to its heart. Truth be told I have never actually seen either of the two that came before this adaptation. Does this make me a bad person? Probably. Before you all come at me with pitchforks I’d like to make a case for why my unfamiliarity with the series might not be a bad thing. I’m approaching about 4 months of reviewing films. I’ve loved every single second of it, but I am aware that starting in summer made my first batch of reviews come mainly in the form of sequels or spin offs. This does mean that at times I contrast films to what their linked to a little too closely which brings out the cynical git in me. A Star is Born sees 3 debuts, Bradley Cooper’s directorial, Lady Gaga’s first starring feature and my first encounter with this story.

A Star is Born is a masterpiece. That statement needs to be made straight away. This is the type of film that reminds you why you love film in the first place. I was sitting in my cinema knowing that I was watching a classic. This is a big deal. I haven’t had that type of feeling with a film since I watched La La Land, a movie which will undoubtedly be compared to this one for years to come. La La Land is my happy that reminds me that the world isn’t entirely an awful. The film always leaves me with a big smile on my face and in a good mood. A Star is Born however does the exact opposite. This is a gut punch of a film. The performances, score, cinematography and direction will all leave you broken. A Star is Born does not shy away from the gritty. This is a world were actions have consequences, addiction can come in the form of drink, drugs and even fame. The film like all these things is addicting. No matter how bad things are getting on screen you can’t look away. You need to know what is going to happen even when you know it will crush you. A Star is Born is going to be a film that you know no matter how much it makes you cry you know that you will rewatch this film about 30 times in the next year. Cinema is a drug.

A Star is Born tells the story of the world wind romance between an ageing down on his luck musician (Bradley Cooper) and a unknown singer (Lady Gaga) who is thrown into the limelight. The pacing of the film is tremendous. The opening of the film takes place over the course of just one night. Often with the opening of films you’ll find that it takes place over a few weeks to months to try and give you a feel for its characters. A Star is Born doesn’t need to do that. You only need one night in this world to get into the psychology of the characters and know everything about them. Cooper and Gaga have thunderous chemistry together as Jack and Ally. Thrown together by a pure chance you just know that they are going to be inseparable even when that isn’t the best thing for both of them. What I find fascinating is that after the slow amount of time passed in the opening the film then moves at a blistering pace in the best sense possible. Once the film gets you strapped in and invested buckle up because its going to be quite the journey. The insight into fame in the 21st century is the core of the film. Fame in today’s worlds isn’t rainbows and butterflies. Every move you make is recorded, everyone is an expert on your relationships and everyone thinks they know you. Fame is not presented as something you should seek. Most importantly though is that the film isn’t preachy and tells you not to seek stardom. The glamour and the achievements are on display too, but the thing is not everyone is born to be a star.

The performances in A Star is Born may have just swept the Oscars already. The two leads in Cooper and Gaga give performances for the ages. Bradley cooper has always been an actor that I felt has been a little bit overlooked by many film fans. His comedic parts in The Hangover tends to be what he is most known for but its in dramas where he really shines. If you love him in this film then I highly recommend you go back and watch Silver Linings Playbook and The Place Beyond the Pines for two other terrific roles of his. Cooper plays a grizzled country singer called Jack who lost his love of music a long time ago, spending his time off stage drinking his life away. This is Coopers strongest performance to date. Jack is a heart-breaking character to follow. His heart is always on show but the demons he possesses make his life a living hell. Cooper speaks in slurs when Jack is drunk that make him almost untranslatable, but you always hear just enough to pity him. Cooper certainly looks the part with his new long hair and beard but its voice that caught me off guard. Cooper sure as hell can sing. Its always worrying when you see a big name attempt musical because sometimes they just aren’t meant to sing. Look at Emma Watson who caught a lot of flack for her autotuning in Beauty and the Beast or look at Russel Crowe in Les Mis who would have had to wear a giant crow costume to stand out anymore. Cooper has the kind of voice that I could listen to all day and his guitar playing skills are awesome. When I seen him on stage in the film it was clear why his character was a huge name and I would moss at one of his gigs. Cooper also directed the film which ill discuss later but the best thing he chose to do was a hiring a popstar.

Lady Gaga is not in this film for the fun of it. This is not an ego trip or an experiment to see if she can get butts into seats. Lady Gaga can act and there is no one on this planet who would have done a better job as Ally. This is the best performance by any actor this year and it will not be topped. Gaga is mesmerising as Ally who’s journey from vulnerable to superstar is a roller-coaster.  Ally is such a fascinating character to watch because no matter how much the industry and circumstance wants her to change she never ceases to be anything but herself. That’s the difference between Jack and Ally. Jack may have been in the industry for longer, but he isn’t made for it while Ally is born for it. The chemistry between Gaga and Cooper manages to create a romance that is up there with Casablanca’s. Gaga who is one of the most contemporary artists of all time is the opposite as an actress. She is completely old school and her performance on screen reminds me of Ingrid Bergman. Gaga just like her can say everything just with her eyes. If Gaga doesn’t win the Oscar next year, then it’s the biggest Oscar shamble since the whole Moonlight wrong name fiasco. I don’t need to tell you how good she sounds live, but the first time Ally Performances with Jack may be my favourite scene of the year so far.

Going back to Cooper for a second, we need to recognise the behind the scenes work he did. The direction is remarkable for a debut. The strongest debut since Chazelle in Whiplash. The cinematography is beautiful and beautifully horrible. As I said earlier this isn’t an easy watch and every camera angle adds to that. Cooper wrote the script with Eric Roth who brings some of the fast pace storytelling that he did on Forrest Gump into the film. Will Fetters also wrote the screenplay, considering that his two most well-known scripts are Remember Me and The Lucky One it’s amazing that the romance isn’t a soppy mess. I really want to know how much input Cooper had when it came to cast the roles because it’s not just the Gaga gamble that paid off. Sam Eliot is in fine form as Bobby making me wonder why he’s wasting his time on The Ranch. The decision to put comedians into roles too is one I applaud. Andrew Dice Clay and Dave Chappelle both appear in smaller parts, but both these men show that they are not just funny but damn good actors. Hell Cooper even managed to give Gerry from Parks and Recs a role in the film.

A Star is Born is a film you need to see now. The performances, direction and score are all phenomenal. You will love this film, its not often id make such bold assumptions but trust me. Jack and Ally are a film couple that we will continue to talk about for generations. The soundtrack is going to be iconic. I mean it guys this is it, this is my kind of movie. Go and watch this as soon as you van because you don’t want to this one. Bring some tissues because by god you’ll need them. You’re looking at the 2019 Best Picture Award winning film.

Liam’s Summary of A Star Is Born

Best Moment: Jack and Ally’s first performance of Willow made me feel feelings I didn’t know I could feel.
Worst Moment: personally, I would have cut the SNL performance but at least Alec Baldwin was there.
Best Character: Ally because Gaga is an actress we need in the world.
Worst Character: Ally’s buddy Ramon who is given no other personality trait other than being Ally’s buddy Ramon.
Overall Rating: 5/5


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