Incredibles 2 Review

Incredibles 2
Just like the first film, this film is Incredible….. too.
Samuel L. Jackson, Holly Hunter, Craig T. Nelson, Brad Bird, and Huck Milner in Incredibles 2 (2018)

14 years ago, I sat in my local cinema to watch The Incredibles. Aged only 5 it was safe to say that I was and still am to this day, superhero crazy. Something changed in me by the time the credits rolled to signal the end of the film. I had a new favourite Superhero movie. The family dynamic of the film struck a cord in me because of how similar it was to my own. The Parkers could have had any powers, no matter how ridiculous, and it would still hold up. The family dynamic is what I loved about this movie. My family had always been superheroes to me. My perception of my family was being mirrored on the big screen. My mom and Dad were Mr and Mrs Incredible to me, strong unlike anyone else in the world in both their independency and their love for their family. I seen myself as Dash, always talking and driving my older sibling up the walls. Even Jack-Jack was how I seen my sister, as she was a new-born at the time of the film’s release. The films score was the first movie score that I adored, Michael Giacchino’s music adds so much to this film. The suspenseful scenes in the film are amplified by the rising volume of the score in the background. Syndrome is perhaps the best superhero Villain of all time as he is the perfect representation of why you should never meet your heroes. Brad Birds astounding direction isn’t even his best contribution in the film, his performance as Edna Mode is iconic. The film is not only the perfect superhero movie but it’s also the perfect family movie. So now it’s 2018 and its finally time to follow up to Pixar’s Fantastic Four. No pressure.

Before I get into Incredibles 2, I just want to give a mention to the short film that screens before the main event. Bao is so wonderfully weird and creepy that you need to make sure you get to the cinema 10 minutes early. The short film gives a brilliant representation of Family and Asian Culture in a way that will leave you speechless.  Pixar short films have always been one of my favourite things about seeing their films in the cinema. Just for the record my favourite of these short films is For the Birds and no one will ever be able to convince me I’m wrong. Okay I think that’s enough build up, let’s talk about Incredibles 2.

 Incredibles 2 is a cinematic triumph and perhaps the best sequel of all time. The sequel picks up right where the first one left us on a cliff. The opening sequence is the best action sequence of the year. Pixar knocked this opening out of the park, the animation is beautiful and makes the dangers presented on the screen feel high stakes. The families banter has not changed at all either. Bob is still hot headed and wanting to be the leader. Helen is wants to protect her family just as much as she wants to save civilians even if they are supers. Dash and Violet’s sibling rivalry is just as realistic as it ever was. Jack-Jack is still adorable, but he becomes so much more later on. The Parkers are back, and boy is it good to have them again. After 14 years of waiting the Underminer sequence does not undermine.

I don’t want to give too much of the plot away because after such a long wait you sure as hell don’t deserve that. Basically, Mrs Incredible is leading a new campaign to make superheroes legal again while Bob faces his biggest challenge yet, parenthood. The film is for the most part split into these two stories. Mrs Incredible leads her new life with the new characters while the rest of the family carry their half of the story. The Mrs Incredible story is where most of the action takes place and I have to say these action sequences are on par with anything that Marvel or DC have done on this scale. Mrs Incredible is the female superhero that we’ve been crying out for ears to get. Holly Hunter gives the best performance of the movie, I give my hats off to Pixar for finally giving the world the superhero they deserve. The two main new characters the Deavor siblings are pretty decent! Bob Odenkirk plays what’s basically an animated version of himself, that’s a good thing by the way, and Catherine Keener plays Evelyn Deavor whose interactions with Helen are very entertaining. The only thing that doesn’t work with this storyline is that unlike its procedure, The Incredibles 2 has an atrocious villain. The problem with having a mystery villain is that you need to make sure you do two things 1: make their plan engrossing enough to make up for the lack of character and 2: make sure that the identity isn’t obvious. Unfortunately, Screenslaver is a sub-Standard villain and my only gripe with the film.  The villains hate of screens is a bit of a bore and his monologues are tedious. If you’ve seen any movie that’s ever had a villain, you’ll be able to figure out who it is instantly. The film doesn’t have a Syndrome but thankfully it doesn’t ruin the film.

The rest of the Parkers home centred story is my favourite thing about this film by a country mile. Bob’s internal struggle developing into an external struggle of being a stay at home dad is a joy to witness. Bob is used to saving falling buildings and stopping bank robberies, to see him dealing with his Violets adolescence, Dash’s maths homework and a baby is hilarious. There were so many belly laughs that come from these scenes. My favourite thing about Bob in the movie is the 5 o’clock shadow and eye bags that the animators give him. Violet’s arc is tremendous, seeing her having to balance being a superhero and being a teenager is at times heart-breaking. Her powers are my favourite out of the whole family. Dash is great in the way that he is excited by his powers and reacts to them just like any kid would. Jack-Jack is a revelation in this movie. Any sce
ne that he’s in had me in tears with laughter and by the sound of the cinema I wasn’t the only one. Jack-Jack is so entertaining that he has now overtook Edna Mode as my favourite Incredibles character. Families will once again be able to relate to the obstacles that the Parkers must overcome. From gender stereotypes, adolescence, jealously and politics, the film does not shy away from tackling these issues head on. It’s very refreshing to see an animated movie that doesn’t act like everything is rosy in the world. Brad Bird is the master of crafting stories that are emotionally relatable in ways that will make you smile and laugh.

 Incredibles 2 is a marvellous film.  The score has been on my Spotify on a loop because once again Michael Giachinno has done wonders in making music that jumps out of the speakers. The voice acting is wonderful, Holly Hunter and Bob T. Nelson are my favourite Pixar double act, their relationship is a realistic portrayal of a marriage that may be difficult at times but what relationship isn’t. The villain may have been underwhelming but that’s a minor nitpick in a must watch movie. Frozone is once again as cool as ice, being used sparingly so he never grows old in the film. The action scenes are phenomenal and I’m not overeating when I say they are among the best of all time. I felt like a little kid again in the cinema, this time in a Micky Mouse jumper, the smile on my face hasn’t left for the two days since I seen the film. Incredibles 2 is a candidate for film of the year that wears its heart on its sleeve and one you need to see now!  Go unleash your inner child, go and see this film now. Now if you excuse me I’m counting down the days to 2032 for when we get Incredibles 3.

Liam’s Incredibles 2 Summary.
Best Moment: Jack-Jack vs racoon is the movie fight of the year.
Worst Moment: The reveal of the villain is exactly what you predicted.
Best Character: Mrs Incredible for the insanse action sequences.
Worst Character: Screenslaver is a poor villain.
Overall rating: 4.5/5


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